Thursday, May 27, 2010

One Year Anniversary

It is difficult to believe that we have been married for a year. It certainly evaporated quickly, with Kisti busy in her third year of residency and Mike working on his PhD as well as teaching. For our anniversary we decided to take advantage of our Canadian proximity and visit Montreal. We had an enjoyable four days sampling the French cuisine, hiking Mont Royal, visiting old Montreal, the many shops and markets as well as the botanical gardens. We even managed to attend church and do a French session at the Montreal temple. Here are a few pictures from our trip:
Waiting at customs.

Notre Dame.

Overlooking Montreal.

Hiking in Mont Royal above the city.

Kisti was attacked by a butterfly at the botanical gardens.

Kisti eating the best turkey sandwich ever. We found this little place near our hotel and ate there at least once a day after. Great food!

The Peel metro station, Mike liked the architecture of this stop.

Riding the metro.

More old Montreal

Preparing to watch the 3-D IMAX movie, SPACE.

Montreal Temple.

Returning to the States.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Happy Holidays

The Following Post is Six Months late, it just started warming up here so it felt like winter. Additionally, Mike should be studying for finals and Kisti should be reading about pelvic anatomy, lets face it though you can only study for so long.

Kisti enjoying Christmas treats

New PJ's!

Kisti stuffed my stocking with the best gift ever, the cookie of the month club, the gift that keeps on giving!!!

This is kind of a scary picture, Mike is rocking the awesome bed head. On the other hand Kisti always looks good despite lack of sleep.

Kisti's favorite gift, an electric blanket, she used it all winter and most of spring.

Kevin soaking his legs after a 20 mile run with Mindi. Kisti and I felt like slackers only running 8 miles.

Thanksgiving with the my parents, Michelle, Josh and Wyatt, hiking in North Carolina.

Kisti excited to be in the sunshine.

Henry's Smoke House, the best barbque in town, I had to take Kisti here. She loved it.