Friday, June 19, 2009

Hey Dad, Happy Fathers Day!

I just wanted to wish you a Happy Father’s Day, and I hope you have a great one! I also wanted to thank you for being such a wonderful dad. I couldn’t imagine anyone else as my father. I am so grateful for your example and encouragement despite my best efforts to try your patience. Remember the time I hit that classic 1966 Ford Mustang with the family van? You didn’t even get angry with me. In fact, you kind of laughed it off and said something to the effect of; “that’s what insurance is for.” Mostly, I am grateful for your love, support, your calming influence and your positive attitude. These have helped me through my life and have made me a better person.

So I was trying to think of what I could give you for Father’s Day. I know you are still recovering from your surgery (my dad is recovering from quadruple bypass surgery which he had about 6 weeks ago for those who don’t know) so I decided to dedicate my first triathlon of this season to you. If you look closely in the picture you will see “Go Dad” written on my arm. Granted my race took less than three hours and you have at least three more months of recovery. I thought of you often during the race, especially as my legs were burning on the first climb or when I wanted to stop running. I thought how difficult your surgery and recovery have been which gave me motivation to keep going.
"Go Dad"! Post triathlon picture

Dad, the older I get the more I appreciate you and want to be like you (minus the quadruple bypass:)). Because of you I want to be a father. It is something I am looking forward to. I hope I can be the kind of father to my children that you have been to me.

Love ya’ Dad,



Ryan said...

Mike what a nice post about your Dad. He realy is a great guy and did a great job raising all of you.


Jason and Layna said...

Nice dude. I think I should dedicate something to dad as well, but winning pick up games at the Stake Center, installing a sprinkler system, or laying sod just don't seem up to snuff. Oh well, GO DAD!

How did you do in the race?

Mike said...

Ryan, thanks, I think he did a great job as well

Cynthia and Joe said...

Aw! Very nice Mike. :D Jason, according to Joe putting down the sod was tough... so it counts!